On Britain, The EU And Brexit

In this blog post I give you my thoughts on Britain's role in the European Union (EU) and Brexit. [UPDATED 24/02/2016]
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2016 is the year that will finally decide Britain’s fate as a nation. Britain’s membership into the EU started in 1973 with a referendum. Yes, that’s right the British people have (and haven’t) already had a vote.

The people voted to join the European Economic Community (AKA EEC, AKA the Common Market). An organisation first created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957. A full description of the EEC is beyond the scope of this blog post, but to put it simply it was meant to make trade between European nations easier and more effective. But the people were tricked. Joining a common market is hardly the same as voting to surrender most of your countries laws to a foreign power.

Once many countries had joined, it started to evolve from a trading community into a continent-wide parliament and political powerhouse, rebranding itself in 1993 as what it had always wanted to be, the European Union. As nations such as Britain had voted to join the EEC no referendum was held on whether or not Britain should be ruled by the EU. This is nothing short of a scam or at the very least a trick.

The Anti-British Pro-EU traitors they call Europhiles would have us believe that Britain is too small to be able to sustain itself should it break away from the EU. No matter how hard you try to look at this from their point of view it is completely impossible to. We were an independent self-governing island nation for over a thousand years and we not only were able to think for ourselves, we managed to make trades with not just other European countries but other parts of the known world.

We also eventually built our own empire that equaled in size to that of ancient Rome and I refuse to believe that all of a sudden in 1973 we became completely unable to either govern ourselves or trade without the instruction and handholding of the EEC/EU. In fact, we should be in a better position to manage by ourselves as we now have a big population, which means more workers and more people paying taxes. It has been estimated that every household in the UK would be nearly a thousand pounds (£933) richer per year upon an EU exit.

The only way I see that an exit from the EU could cause harm to our trading is if the EU made all of its member states agree to not trade with Britain. Firstly that would be unfair bully tactics and secondly, there are plenty of other countries in the world that we could still trade with, such as the USA. Although Obama tried to blackmail us by implying that should Britain leave the EU, the US would stop trading with the UK.

However there are a few reasons why the EU would not block us out of trading with them should we exit. One the EU sells much more to us than we do to them, so it would hurt them more than it would us. Two both the UK and EU must follow basic rules of trading set out by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO rules alone would protect the three million jobs that the Europhiles claim would be lost in Britain through an exit. Therefore, the idea that we are too small to fend for ourselves is totally preposterous.

While we are on the topic of resources and trading, our trading ability has been weakened in recent years. But only thanks to the EU who through their rules and regulations has nearly completely killed off Britain’s farming and fishing industries, which previously had been strong and it is estimated that at least a million British jobs have been lost because of the EU.

They try to say that we couldn’t survive outside of the EU in a world full of trading blocs. Yet Japan which is one of the fastest growing economies doesn’t operate inside a trading bloc. Also, both Norway and Switzerland are not EU states and they trade heavily with the EU.
Norway has actually made a historic free trade agreement with China. Something the UK cannot do as long as it remains in the EU.

The Europhiles make it sound like, if we were to vote to leave the EU it would be sudden and catastrophic, with the Prime Minister calling an EU exit a "leap in the dark". Some Europhiles almost make it seem like if we left the EU the country would be thrown into complete anarchy. Conjuring up images of people running through the streets screaming, as the cityscape fills with puffs of smoke while London burns to the ground. They practically make it sound like a scene from a zombie movie.

This is nothing sort of scaremongering. Under EU rules, we would have a two-year grace period where we would essentially remain a member, to give us a chance to adjust and make an agreement with the EU on how we are to leave. This would also give us a chance to make some more trade deals with other parts of the world as well. We may not even need the full two years.

It costs us 10 billion pounds per year (and rising) in EU membership fees, about the same as we spend on GP services across the country in a year. Just think of what good that money could do for Britain.

Gradually over the years more and more laws and powers have been taken out of our parliament's hands and given to the EU. Britain only has about 8% voting power in the EU, our MEPs are a minority in the European parliament and at last count about 67% of Britain’s laws are made or influenced by the EU and this is only going to go up.

The biggest blow came in 2007 with the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Her Majesty The Queen secretly signing the Lisbon Treaty. It was only announced that the treaty had been signed 24 hours later. The Lisbon Treaty was basically EU states such as the UK switching over to the EU constitution. The reason the word ‘constitution’ was omitted was to ensure there was no referendum held, as a constitution would require a referendum.

With the treaty, Britain forfeited its veto rights in 40 policy areas, with more of these veto rights going all the time. With this treaty, most of Britain’s immigration control was signed over to the EU. This open door border policy has meant that in 2015 alone 180 thousand EU citizens came to live in Britain and as of September 2015, there are 2 million EU citizens working in Britain.

The EU doesn’t just decide which people from EU nations can and can’t come to Britain but also people from other countries as well. Before this EU interference if someone went to say the USA or Australia etc and legally married a person from that country they could both come back to live in Britain. However, the EU have changed this in a ridiculous way. Now the person you marry has to prove that they make at least £18,600 a year or they can’t come into Britain or other EU countries. Even if they are married to and have children with a British or European national.

There was a case recently that drew attention to this EU law where a British army vet (he fought in Afghanistan) went to the US and legally married and had a child with an American woman. He tried to come home to Britain with his wife but she and their daughter were stopped and sent back because she didn’t make enough money. It was not even like she was unemployed. She had had a job, she had worked all of her life and would have continued to work in Britain. She just wasn’t rich enough for the EU. Which I find very ironic when considering the EU has let hundreds of thousands of middle eastern asylum seekers and refugees into Britain, many of which are put on welfare and given free housing.

The then Tory Shadow Foreign Secretary William Hague MP remarked:

Gordon Brown has no democratic or moral authority to sign Britain up to what is a renamed EU constitution. This move is a total breach of trust with the British people and a flagrant breach of his solemn election promise. It is a sign of how arrogant and out of touch this Government has become that it is totally uninterested in what the British people want on Europe.

I am a HARDCORE monarchist, however, the signing of the Lisbon Treaty by HM not only disappointed but DISGUSTED me. They say she was forced constitutionally to sign it as the Prime Minister had done so. Well, there are two points I would like to make here. One morally she should have been unable to do this. She like myself come from over a thousand years of British kings, queens and aristocrats, including but not limited to my 35th great grandfather Alfred the Great, the man who made England. She had a moral and ancestral obligation to defend her nation’s sovereignty and the freedom of her people at ALL costs, even if she is a modern constitutional monarch. I would rather have gone to the chopping block and been beheaded than to have done what she did. I could NEVER have done it.

Two it is my belief that she does support the EU after a speech she made on 24th June 2015 in Germany. But what does she think will happen to the British monarchy in the future when the EU decide to abolish our monarchy without a referendum? I feel that will happen eventually.

The Queen (June 2015, Germany): “In our lives, Mr President, we have seen the worst but also the best of our continent. We have witnessed how quickly things can change for the better. But we know that we must work hard to maintain the benefits of the post-war world. We know that division in Europe is dangerous and that we must guard against it in the West as well as in the East of our continent. That remains a common endeavour.”

The EU keeps trying to abolish the British military and integrate our troops into the EU army. Not only would we lose our military we would also lose even more of our national identity, including losing our ‘red-coated’ soldiers outside of our palaces that draw a lot of tourists.

The European Union is very undemocratic with most of its bureaucrats being unelected, including the president himself.

The EU has delighted over the years in trying to throw its weight around and bully the UK. It wants to get rid of the Union Flag on our meat products. It wants us to stop using our Union Flag and St George’s Flag and replace them completely with their EU flag, this would be devastating to our national identity (even states in the US have their own flags). The EU has its own national anthem so how long will it be before that replaces ours as well?

There are countless examples of silly EU rules taking up our time and resources such as that the vegetable swede is only allowed to be branded as such in one town in the UK. Diabetics are banned from driving (not currently enforced). Eggs can no longer be sold by the dozen. They tried to stop us making halloumi cheese in the UK and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The think tank Open Europe has estimated the total cost to Britain of the EU's most burdensome directives to be £27.4 billion a year and this is on top of our membership fees.

For 27 years the EU allowed British chocolate to be banned in many European countries, with European MPs only ruling that it had to be allowed to be sold in 2000.

…the English are outside the European culture.

- George Orwell

In regard to a possible exit for Britain from the EU, you will regularly see the term Brexit used. This is simply a combination of the words Britain and Exit.

The latest farce is that the Prime Minister David Cameron went to Brussels to BEG for a better deal for Britain within the EU. The things he was asking for were few and yet they wouldn't even give him that, and he came back to the UK very red faced. He said he was going to "Battle for Britain". He has been accused by his opponents of outright lying and maybe he was. I am not a fan of Cameron's, by any means, but he might have fought tooth and nail for a good deal (or even any deal). But they just would not budge an inch.
I believe this is because England at one time or another has ruled parts of Europe (such as France) and indeed much of the world and they are jealous and many of their politicians hate us. Now that the boot is on the other foot they are stomping all over us.

The one and only real advantage to an EU membership are that if we go on a holiday or business trip we can go to say France and then drive through most of Europe without stopping at border controls to show our passports. But is that worth losing our culture, freedom and national identity for? Is it worth it for that to go from being Great Britain to just another star on someone else’s flag? NEVER!

The referendum on 23 June 2016 is Britain’s LAST chance. It has taken over 40 years to get this referendum and if we don’t take the chance now we will probably never get another one. So I beg you to do the right thing. It’s time to shake off the shackles of Europe. Support Brexit. We all have ancestors or relatives that at some point fought and maybe died for Britain’s independence, either hundreds of years ago, or in the First and Second World Wars. We fought off the Vikings, the Spanish armada, Napoleon and Hitler. So why should we now voluntarily give away what our ancestors fought so hard for over a thousand years to defend?

This is my personal blog so I’m going tell you exactly what I think. I’m going to be blunt. I normally believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and to vote however they so choose. But this is a special case. If you are going to support a foreign power and dictatorship over your own country’s independence then you are a traitor. The moment you make that vote to stay in the EU you are committing an act of treason and betraying your ancestors.

Treason definition

Please don’t murder Britannia. Don’t commit a cultural genocide. Because that is precisely what voting to stay in the EU will mean for Britain, a cultural genocide. Don’t just back Britain, believe in her. Vote out!
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